Sunday, July 29, 2012

Away and Back: Rhody

I love going to new and familiar places, re-connecting with family, and gorging on delicious New England cuisine, but simultaneously I am always so excited to return home to old and familiar routines. Sure most of the routines can get mundane, and some really suck, but oh how I missed grooming my pups and cleaning the kitchen until it sparkled.  With that said, I am so glad to be home this Sunday, laying in bed with a dog at each side, the computer in my lap and looking back at this past week's adventures in pics, - 859 pics - to be exact.   And what an awesome time we had.  Pics tell the story best.  

First, our flight to Providence RI was cancelled, and just by a hair we almost ended up in Cleveland for two days, which was just supposed to be our first stop before heading to Providence.  Yes, United Airlines was actually having us stay in Cleveland for TWO whole days before getting us to our final destination.  Insane.  Luckily we were able to change our flight to Boston where Rossy's brother lives.  In the end, the screw up turned out to be kind of awesome because Rossy got to see the Red Sox...and what is even rarer than having a screw up turn to great?....he actually got to see to Red Sox win on the ninth ining against the White Sox. Truly, an unbelievable day.

Thanks to this guy for winning the game.

We also had the most amazing oysters EVER at Island Creek Oyster Bar. Can this screw up get any better?

Strolling around MIT, where Rossy's brother works.

An MIT Nemo.  

The next day we headed to Little Compton.  First meal in Rhody was a fancy one at the Back Eddy.

And for the best part of Little Compton: Briggs Beach.  If there is ever a place to unwind and leave every worry behind, it is at this beach.  It has a view of a rock that must have some magical powers that others don't realize.  I think it's a worry magnet.

A plane left us a message "hot summer fun at Mohican..." 

Crab hunting....well sort of....we put him back where we found him.

The Perchuk's at the beach. Notice Papa in Law's cowboy hat...yes, he is the only one looking like a Texan; our acquired Texan culture is rubbing off on him.


Typically, our trip consists of eating and beach.  However, this time Rossy decided to spice things up and go on a couple of small side adventures; more to come on that.

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